Bachelor Degree Online Psychology Programs

Earning a bachelor degree online psychology program is an excellent option for working professionals or others who are unable to attend campus classes.

Depending on the school and the program you choose, you may earn either a bachelor of science (BS) or a bachelor of arts (BA) degree in psychology.

An online bachelor degree in psychology may be general or may focus on a specific area of psychology, such as substance abuse, consumer behavior, workplace psychology, or organizational psychology.

Some critical skills required in this profession include; conducting interviews, writing proposals and reports, expressing care and empathy, speaking articulately and persuasively, planning and carrying out projects among others.

Featured Colleges offering Online Bachelors in Psychology

Kaplan University

  • Bachelors in Psychology - General
  • Bachelors in Psychology - Applied Behavioral Analysis
  • Bachelors in Psychology - Child Development
  • Bachelors in Psychology - Substance Abuse

Request FREE info. from Kaplan University

Liberty University

  • Bachelor of Science in Psychology
  • Bachelor of Science in Psychology - Christian Counseling
  • Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice: Criminal Psychology

Request FREE info. from Liberty University

Argosy University

  • Bachelor of Arts in Psychology - General
  • Bachelor of Arts in Psychology - Criminal Justice
  • Bachelor of Arts in Psychology - Organizational Psychology
  • Bachelor of Arts in Psychology - Substance Abuse

Request FREE info. from Argosy University Online

Education and Training

Coursework typically includes basic psychology, sociology, communications, and science. Courses teach theories of psychology and promote critical thinking skills and greater self-understanding. You will gain a broad understanding of the social sciences and the workings of the mind.

In addition, you will learn how people think and process information, principles of learning and memory, the structure and dynamics of groups, how people form and change attitudes, and how the environment affects people's feelings and actions.

While all programs have required courses, students can choose from a variety of electives. It is important to select electives that are of value in your potential career. For example, because many graduates of psychology bachelor's programs find work in business settings, courses in business, computers, and management can enhance job options. In addition to preparing students for positions in social service and related fields, a bachelor degree in psychology qualifies graduates to apply for master's degree programs.

Jobs and Salary Outlook

While a bachelor degree in psychology will not allow you to practice as a clinician, your education provides an excellent foundation for entry-level jobs in social service, such as becoming a caseworker, case manager, career counselor, psychiatric technician, or probation officer. In fact, an undergraduate degree in psychology prepares you for almost any entry-level job that requires excellent communication and interpersonal skills and research, including business careers in management, market analysis, customer service, human resources, and sales.

A bachelors in psychology qualifies you to assist psychologists and other professionals in community mental health centers, vocational rehabilitation offices, and correctional facilities. With a bachelor degree in psychology, you could also find a job in the federal government, which is one of the very few employers that hire psychologists without advanced degrees or work as a research or administrative assistant for a psychologist.

Salary with a bachelors in psychology degree is about $30,000 a year. However, if you are looking to get into a high paying job in psychology, you should consider pursuing a masters or doctorate degree in psychology after completing your bachelor's degree.

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